Remember: the smaller and closer together you stitch, the stronger, and less noticeable, the seam will be! Below, you can see how to make one of these strong, simple stitches. We’ll be using what is called a blanket stitch to attach the sphere panels together. Grab a length of white thread, knotted at the end, and, starting at the top corner of the panel, make the first stitch. Pick a side, any side! (We’re going to use a blanket stitch to attach the panels on one of the curved sides.) e., the second panel should be covering the optic, and the side of the optic panel with visible stitching should be facing outwards). Make sure that the optic panel is placed WRONG side out, (i. We’re going to attach these two together. Grab the front sphere panel we made last time (the one with the optic stitched on) and one of the four remaining white sphere panels. Right now, we want to focus on the actual sphere. Perfect! Set the two ports aside for now. We’re going to need to make two of these, so grab the other gray and black circles and sew them together in the same way. Don’t forget to also stitch around the inside slot!Ībove, you can see what the finished port should look like. Make another one about an eighth of an inch away, and so on, all around the edge of the black circle. Then, pass it back through the gray felt to the WRONG side of the port. Stitch these together using the same method as we used for the optic: take a length of black thread, knotted at the end, and pass it up through the gray and out at the edge of the black circle. You’ll need one of the 3 ½ inch gray circles, and one of the 2 inch black circles with a slot cut out of the middle. For the plush, these consist of two pieces, which, like the optic from earlier, have to be stitched together first before attaching them to the sphere. Personality cores have to ports on either side of their spherical bodies. So, grab your scissors and thread and let’s get started! Today, we’ll be focusing on completing our core’s handles and sides, and then next time we’ll attach the handles and finish up the outer decoration. Last time, we finished our personality core’s optic and attached it to the front panel of the sphere. If you missed Part 1, check it out here first. Today, I’ll be continuing my Aperture Laboratories Personality Core plush tutorial. Hello, everyone! Welcome back (to the Enrichment Center).